RS#02: Rigaer Straße & RAF: Is it still the 90s?

Tensions have flared between the police and punks in Friedrichshain, with massive raids on squats and retaliatory car burnings. Our guest John Riceberg explains what’s going on.

A huge music festival will take place at Treptower Park, having moved there after Tempelhof was turned into a refugee shelter. Now there’s a petition against the festival on account of the grass. Can’t the kids enjoy music anywhere?

Should Radio Spaetkauf talk about terror warnings in Berlin? The team has an editorial meeting about whether to discuss the recent alleged threats to Berlin landmarks. Do the warnings help anyone, or just make us all impotently fearful?

Radio Spaetkauf is presented by Joel Dullroy, Daniel Stern and Jöran Mandik, with support from Victoria Linchong and Jocelyn Barre.

RS#09: The Kino Babylon strike – who’s right?

Workers at the iconic Kino Babylon have been picketing in front of the cinema for months now, demanding more than the minimum wage. The cinema says it can’t pay more, and has filed for bankruptcy. Film goers are being asked to take sides, but who’s right in such a messy situation? The Radio Spaetkauf team have a vigorous debate about workers’ rights and business realities.

The city is filling up with asylum seekers. Many public buildings are being retrofitted to house refugees, including Tempelhof Airport, where up to 5000 people will eventually stay. Anyone can help by volunteering for a few hours. Sign up at

Thanks to Donau115 for hosting our live recording. Radio Spaetkauf is Joel, Maisie, Jöran and Daniel Stern.